Apr 3 - 2018

Innovative In-House Studio, ReadyCam®, Adds Qumu’s Webcast Streaming Capabilities to Enhance Organizational Communications


Latest integration will offer live and on-demand video streaming, giving organizations ability to quickly produce and distribute important information to key stakeholders

NEWTON, Mass. – April 3, 2018 – Leading video services provider, VideoLink, has partnered with video streaming specialist, Qumu, to offer live and on-demand webcast streaming to its in-house studio solution, ReadyCam®.

Designed by VideoLink, an AVI-SPL company, the ReadyCam® provides organizations with high-quality production and broadcast capabilities from the comforts of their own facility, allowing companies to share important communications immediately. ReadyCam’s browser based remote control interface enables organizations to install studios where their talent is, eliminating the need to deploy video professionals or hiring local crews. With the newly developed integration to Qumu’s advanced live and on-demand video streaming platform, the process to distribute broadcast quality video events live to key stakeholders is further accelerated.

“Companies and institutions need quick and easy ways to boost their internal and external communications to connect with their customers, partners and employees,” said Lloyd Bunting, senior vice president of sales and marketing for VideoLink. “Adding the ability to deliver end-to-end video services using Qumu technology offers communicators an effective resource to keep their worldwide audiences up-to-date and able to act.”

The ReadyCam is now able to encode and transmit high definition video and audio stream directly to Qumu’s webcasting platforms (on-premise and cloud), with no additional equipment or personnel needed.

“Our partnership with VideoLink will enable Qumu to integrate its market-leading enterprise video platform with the industry’s highest quality studio for broadcast television communication,” stated John Poole, vice president of worldwide channels and alliances at Qumu. “This will allow our customers to optimize their video platform investments, and leverage HD broadcast video for a variety of use cases including town hall meetings, product announcements, crisis communications and more.”

For more information on the ReadyCam, visit the ReadyCam page on the VideoLink website.

About VideoLink

VideoLink LLC, an AVI-SPL company, is a leading provider of video services to Fortune 500, financial services, enterprise companies, and institutions. Clients use our video services to drive brand awareness and create more engagement with their customers. We are known to our clients for simplifying live TV appearances and lowering in-house video production costs, creating results-driven branded video content strategies, and delivering video production services.

About Qumu Corporation

Qumu is the leading provider of best-in-class tools to create, manage, secure, distribute and measure the success of live and on-demand video for the enterprise. Backed by the most trusted and experienced team in the industry, the Qumu platform enables global organizations to drive employee engagement, increase access to video, and modernize the workplace by providing a more efficient and effective way to share knowledge.