Occupancy sensing
and analytics
Maintain a healthy, productive workplace and track space utilization by monitoring room occupancy and analytics. We help you optimize these metrics with AVI-SPL Symphony, Cisco Spaces, Logitech View, and Microsoft Places integration.

Track Occupancy,
CO2 Levels, and More
Discover how utilization, occupancy, and sunlight drive room temperature, CO2 levels, and humidity. Monitor these analytics to optimize office space, employee well-being, productivity, HVAC costs, and sustainability.
Essential Room Analytics

Discover peak usage times, person count, and bookings vs. actual usage. Room occupancy sensors and analytics help you optimize HVAC costs and make empty spaces available automatically.

How Room Analytics Support Sustainability
Room analytics boost sustainability by optimizing energy usage and office space. These savings and resource management can help reduce your organization’s environmental footprint and support sustainability goals.

Case Studies
Support Employee Preferences
Standardization and hot desking support
airport operations.
Trusted by the best in the world