Apr 7 - 2023


How interoperability powers the hybrid workplace

Mathew DeFreitas

Interoperability means the ability for everyone to connect with everyone else using whichever devices and platforms they prefer. But achieving that environment in a hybrid workplace can be a challenge because it takes strategic planning and choosing the right devices and collaboration platforms. Interoperability gets even more tricky when you’re talking about connecting with those outside of your organization like clients, prospects, or partners.

To improve interoperability for hybrid work, start by reviewing your current devices and applications, as well as asking hybrid employees for their feedback, including:

  • What do employees say could work better?
  • Do your current collaboration tools’ capabilities meet user needs?
  • Are there better tools that can save users time and frustration?

From there, you can see where you need to fill in the capability gaps for your hybrid employees. And beyond work capabilities, it’s more important than ever to create a better technology-supported human experience. In the modern workplace everyone sees less of each other in person. So connected tools can help make collaboration feel seamless, as if everyone is working in the same room.

Flexible tech is key to seamless connectivity

Flexibility is at the center of hybrid work initiatives. So it makes sense that hybrid work tools be flexible too. Connection between devices, platforms, and locations is what makes hybrid collaboration work. And workplace technology should be agile enough to support collaboration in any space since employees connect from home, the office, the road, and anywhere else they have an internet connection.

In the office, flexible hybrid collaboration requires wireless connectivity from users’ preferred devices. Wireless conferencing removes one element of difficulty from the hybrid work experience. Conferencing connectivity devices can help users connect with displays, cameras, microphones, loudspeakers, and video and sound bars. One example of a flexible collaboration solution is a display that can be used in different orientations and in various sizes. Once you’ve identified flexible solutions with the capabilities you need, ensure that they all work together for optimal interoperability.

Interoperability drives a better user experience

All hybrid collaboration participants should be able to hear everyone, see everyone, and share content to the meeting. Tools also need to be intuitive to use. Collaboration technology that is not easy to use creates a bad experience. Lack of interoperability means users may be less likely to collaborate because it’s too much trouble. If employees are avoiding collaboration because it seems like a hassle, quality of work might suffer.

Another way to ensure a better user experience is to train users to use solutions the right way. This step can make the difference between adoption and a wasted investment. With so much information being shared over platforms, technology training is also essential for keeping company data and meetings safe. Combining flexible technology with educated users will make your hybrid workplace run much more smooth

See which technology fits the bill

There are so many enterprise collaboration tools available now, it can be difficult to choose what’s best for your users. To learn more about which specific solutions can help, download our “6 Ways to Energize Your Hybrid Workplace” ebook.