Video Media

Stream multimedia live broadcasts, recorded video, and interactive content in real time via internal and external networks through digital signage, video walls, intranets, and apps.

Two sit on a bench in a gallery, facing vibrant abstract art with yellow and purple swirls, surrounded by sculptures.

Engage Customers and Employees with Video

Captivate audiences with dynamic multimedia content to boost employee and customer engagement. You’ll enhance understanding, loyalty, satisfaction, and user experiences by delivering information in an engaging format.

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Deliver consistent experiences across devices and platforms

Man views arrivals board; ad for Grenadas beaches & culture nearby. Travelers in background.

Schedule custom digital signage content to stream employee and customer information. Content can include schedules, wayfinding, offers, events, company culture, and emergency alerts.

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Video Media Streaming via
AV over IP

Power your high-impact spaces with AV over IP systems that stream high-quality video content with low latency over your existing network infrastructure. You’ll keep viewers engaged with vivid images and sound without buffering or other disruptions.
People in front of video wall at a museum

Cost Efficiency

Use your existing network

High Impact

Capture attention with immersive audio and video

Low Latency

Avoid buffering and pixelated video

Woman in orange blouse on video call, holding paper. Notebooks and pen on desk; airy room with plants in background.

Case Studies

Better Constituent Experiences

How video streaming upgrades made city
council meetings more accessible.

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We partner with leading collaboration providers.

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