Read AVI-SPL’s eBook “From Sim Labs to Huddle Spaces” to find out how to attract more students to your school with interactive displays and stand out in a competitive market. Providing modern technology like simulation labs and huddle spaces can also encourage alumni to support your organization after graduation.

To give but one example, technologies like augmented and virtual reality are expanding the opportunity for immersive experiences. Interactive displays are helping deliver those experiences in spaces that benefit learners who are making discoveries on their own, and those who are collaborating and solving challenges as a group.

This eBook, made with insight from NEC, shares five ways your school can use technology to help students enter the workforce. It also explains how interactive displays support workforce readiness by helping students build communities, drive research and innovation, support collaborative learning, and more.

Fill out the form to download “From Sim Labs to Huddle Spaces: 5 Ways Interactive Displays Help Students Join the Workforce” >

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